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Click Tracker

Take back control of your Traffic & Analytics
with a fully cutomizable & versatile tracking solution.

Analytics for every possible outcome

Track the most relevant information on your campaigns, making it easier for you to optimize.

    Affiliate NetworksCampaignsFlowsLanding PagesOffersTraffic SourcesCountriesCitiesRegionsLanguagesISPMobile CariersConnection TypesDevice TypesDevice ModelsScreen ResolutionsOSOS VersionsBrowsersBrowser Versions

Solid foundations

We don't like to re-invent the wheel, and neither should you. Our platform combines industry-standard features & functionality with a simple UI for maximum benefit.

Save time and money

Tracking your traffic is essential in any internet-based business. Knowing where your leads and sales come from are things that every business owner should know and optimize for.

Limitless scale potential

Get started for free with unlimited campaigns, traffic sources, landing pages, offers, flows, and affiliate networks.

Not your standard
click tracker.

Everything you need to build highly profitable campaigns.
Whether you're a seasoned marketer, or just learing the ropes as a beginner...

This is the tool that will skyrocket your success.


Track everything in one place. Decide exactly how and where your data is stored.


More than 20+ report metrics and advanced data options available.


Extensively documented, including video walkthroughs, best practices, use-cases and examples.

Paths & Rules.

Set up paths and rules to distribute your traffic when certain contidions are met.

Unlimted Everything.

There are no limits on the amount of campaigns, affiliate networks, flows, landing pages, traffic sources and offers you can create.

Fast Redirects.

Designed from the ground up for speed, you will experience lightning fast redirects.

First Class UI.

Includes multiple themes with customizable settings, darkmode/lightmode, etc.

Fully Self Hosted.

Forget about hidden costs and server monitoring. You are in charge of your own instance.

Fully Open Source.

All code is open-source, and freely available to view/modify.



Upgraded features, enhanced functionality, and priority support
Coming Soon


The complete self-hosted tracking solution for large & small teams.


Contact us for a custom solution for you business.

Frequently asked questions

How does the app help in optimizing and analyzing online advertising campaigns?
The app uses real-time analytics, conversion attribution, and dynamic traffic distribution, as well as A/B testing, customizable reporting, and cross-device tracking. For these reasons and many more, the app is able to ensure efficient budget utilization and maximum ROI.
What's the difference between a click tracker and Google Analytics?
Google Analytics is a tool that only analyzes web traffic on a site. A click tracker is used to set up campaigns that distribute traffic between landing pages and offers, while counting costs and revenues. And later gives you the ability to generate reports that calculate profit, cost, ROI accross various timeframes and other metrics to optimize your campaigns. This helps you maximize the revenue from your traffic.
What types of data and metrics can be tracked?
You have access to standard metrics such as CTR, conversion rate, ROI, CPV, CPC, etc. in your analitics. You will also see data describing the visitor's device, browser, OS, language, country, region, city, connection type, ISP, and much more.
Can I install the software by myself?
Yes, the setup process was designed so that all you need to do is follow simple, step-by-step video instructions to set it up. No technical knowledge or coding skills are needed.
How user-friendly and beginner-friendly is the application?
We have complete and easy-to-understand documentation (including full step-by-step video tutorials) that will get you set up in no time. In addition, we have world class support in case you have questions!
Why should I choose a self-hosted solution over a cloud solution?
With a self hosted solution, you are in control of how your campaign data is stored and managed. That means you don't have to worry about account bans or similar interference, as you will be running your own instance of the software. Also, if you have the know-how, you are free to customize the software in any way you wish.
Do you provide updates, and if so how often?
We frequently release updated versions with new features, so make sure you're on our email list so you hear about them!
Will my instance of the software update automatically?
No, your self-hosted instance does not "Phone home" to us in any way. If you want to change versions, a redeploy will be necessary.
I'm a developer. Can I contribute to this project?
Yes! Please go here.

Self-hosted, open-source click tracking software.
